The aim of Quality Area 6 under the National Quality Standard is to recognise that collaborative relationships with families are fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children and that community partnerships that are based on active communication, consultation and collaboration are also essential.
When using the NQS handout the quality areas have been broken down to easily identify the concept and descriptor that describes each quality area, standard and element.

There are 2 standards that underpin Quality Area 6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
Standard 6.1 Supportive relationships with families: Respectful relationships with families are developed and maintained and families are supported in their parenting role.
Standard 6.2 Collaborative partnerships: Collaborative partnerships enhance children’s inclusion, learning and wellbeing.
There are 3 elements that underpin standard 6.1 Supportive relationships with families.
Element 6.1.1 Engagement with the service: Families are supported from enrolment to be involved in the service and contribute to service decisions.
Element 6.1.2 Parent views and respected: The expertise, culture, values and beliefs of families are respected and families share in decision-making about their child’s learning and wellbeing.
Element 6.1.3 Families are supported: Current information is available to families about the service and relevant community services and resources to support parenting and family wellbeing.
There are 3 elements that underpin standard 6.2 Collaborative Partnerships.
Element 6.2.1 Transitions: Continuity of learning and transitions for each child are supported by sharing information and clarifying responsibilities.
Element 6.2.2 Access and participation: Effective partnerships support children’s access, inclusion and participation in the program.
Element 6.2.3 Community engagement: The service builds relationships and engages with its community.
Quality Area 6 underscores the importance of building strong, respectful partnerships with families and communities to enhance children’s learning, wellbeing, and inclusion. Through active collaboration and shared decision-making, early childhood services can create supportive environments for children and their families.
For more details on Quality Area 6, visit the ACECQA website.