SHort Courses

Short courses to help your team continue their professional development



In-person &

safe sleep practices

This in-person workshop is designed to help early childhood educators understand the requirements of safe sleep practices when working in an ELC. 

Informed by safe sleep specialists Red Nose Australia, this training meets the requirements of an ELC to provide safe sleep training to all staff.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

One of the biggest challenges workplaces face is obstacles in communication and conflict resolution.

This in-person workshop discussed the key strategies to develop a cohesive team through recognised research and evidence. Including a group quiz and roleplays, this session is a great whole-team professional development opportunity.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Handling Children and Navigating Behaviours

Working in an ELC involves educators having the skills to help children develop their own emotional regularity and overall wellbeing. As a introductory program to the basic of physically handling children and providing appropriate guidance to children who may exhibit challenging behaviours; this workshop is a great reminder of current best-practice for both staff new to the industry and experienced educators. 

Duration: 2 hours

Managing Self-regulation and Communication in Children

Building on the concepts taught in our “Handling Children and Navigating Behaviours” workshop, this session focuses on the reasons why children need guidance in their self-regulation and how to effectively communicate with these children to provide support. 

Taking into consideration the holistic needs of children and young people from infants to teenagers, this workshop provides participants with the strategies and knowledge to confidently provide support to those in their care.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Work Health Safety in an ELC

Appropriate work health safety practices are a key driver in the safety and wellbeing of those in the workplace, from staff to children to visitors. WHS best practice for ELCs is constantly changing and this session works with educators to provide the most current and applicable advice for maintaining a safe working environment. 

This workshop is a hybrid delivery model, this means that there is an in-person workshop portion followed by online quiz to consolidate knowledge. This workshop is a great way for services to ensure their staff are maintaining their skills and the ELC is meeting all legislative WHS requirements.

Duration: In-person 1-hour, online quiz: 30 minutes.

Building Relationships with Families

When working in an Early Learning Centre, the relationships educators have with families and children are a key aspect of successfully supporting and educating children.

This in-person workshop explores the reasons why building relationships with families of the service are just as important as those built with children, and how educators can foster these relationships to build a strong community around their service. An introductory session, this workshop is suited to all staff levels as a reminder of best practice and provide strategies for implementation.

Duration: 1 hour

Creating Engaging Learning Environments

As an educator it is important to create engaging learning environment for children to maximise educational outcomes and opportunities for development. This in-person workshop explores the key facets of creating engaging learning environments including how to plan and execute your environment in a service. 

This session is a great opportunity for team leaders and other core educational staff to reflect on and improve their practice and develop new strategies to create engaging learning environments.

Duration: 2 hours

Loose Parts Play Professional Development

Loose Part Play involves the use of small, loose objects in play environments within an ELC. This online short course takes educators of all levels through the basics of loose part play including why it is beneficial, how to tailor to different age groups and the safety requirements when engaging in this type of play. 

Students of this course complete interactive reading followed by a short quiz to consolidate knowledge. This course is recommended for all staff in an ELC to ensure all educators are aware of the safety concerns when using loose parts.

Duration: 30mins online

Providing Basic Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace

Mental health concerns have become increasingly prominent in workplaces, and it is key that senior staff and managers are equipped with the skills to provide assistance. This in-person workshop is designed for senior staff and walks through the basics of providing mental health first aid and support to staff members. This includes becoming familiar with common mental health conditions, knowing how to manage a mental health crisis, and engaging in group case-studies. This is not an accredited first aid course, but a tailored session delivered by a qualified mental health first aider to support senior workplace staff.

Duration: 2.5 hours

Food Handling Safety

Coming Soon

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